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TFE Awards and Decorations

This page includes the minutia of the TFE Awards. Included are such things as order of precedence, display of commendations, and so on.

The official order of precedence for all TFE commendations is displayed graphically to the right. This order breaks down which awards and medals are higher than others, and allows for appropriate wear. The order is as follows:

Service Device
FlagSIM Device
Michael West/Michael Thompson Memorial Award, United Earth Declaration of Valour and Gallantry, Legion of Merit, Starfleet Medal of Command, Kragite Order of Heroism, Gold Starfleet Cross, Preantares Medal of Commendation, Star Award of Excellence, Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery, Starfleet Award of High Commendation, Silver Starfleet Cross, Preantares Ribbon of Commendation 1st Class, Superior Unit Award, Purple Heart, Starfleet Letter of Commendation, Bronze Starfleet Cross, Preantares Ribbon of Commendation 2nd Class, Expeditionary Campaign Medal, Epsilon Eridani Campaign Ribbon, Mercy Campaign Ribbon, Earth-Romulan War Campaign Ribbon, Earth Victory Campaign Ribbon, Academy Eagle Award, Black Howl Award, Grey Howl Award, Academy Superior Performance Medal, Academy Command Ribbon with Gold Solar Flare, Academy Command Ribbon with Silver Solar Flare, Purple Academy Ribbon of Excellence, Blue Academy Ribbon of Excellence.

Award Order


Awarded by the Commanding Officer

The following SIM-level decorations are awarded by the Commanding Officer in a permanent or acting capacity, in the name of Starfleet Command.

Starfleet Letter of Commendation IC

The Starfleet Letter of Commendation is awarded to any in character service member for superior achievement or service. This award may be presented to exchange members onboard an active ship or station.

Starfleet Award of High Commendation IC

The Starfleet Award of High Commendation is awarded to any in-character member of Starfleet for achievement and service of a meritorious standard.

Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery IC

The Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by bravery not justifying the award of the Kragite Order for Heroism.

Purple Heart IC

Awarded to an in-character member of Starfleet who has been significantly injured by either a permanent injury or a log or series of logs about the subject in sickbay for treatment, or a Sim residing in Sickbay. It is suggested this award be given only where said injury leaves a permanent effect or prevents the Officer from carrying out their normal duties for a period of 2 weeks OOC.

Bronze Starfleet Cross IC

The Bronze Starfleet Cross is awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing himself or herself by meritorious achievement or service to their SIM.

Silver Starfleet Cross IC

The Silver Starfleet Cross is awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing himself or herself by outstanding achievement or service to their SIM and/or Starfleet.

Preantares Ribbon of Commendation, Second Class OOC

Preantares Ribbon of Commendation 2nd Class may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by achievement or service towards the plot.

Preantares Ribbon of Commendation, First Class OOC

The Preantares Ribbon of Commendation 1st Class may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by meritorious achievement or service above and beyond the call of duty for the SIM or or higher level department.

Starfleet Service Device OOC

The Starfleet Service Device shall be issued after every year of membership to Starfleet: The First Era, as an appreciation from the organization for one's service and contributions. Each year of service is marked by the roman numeral, to the tenth year, where the "X" represents "10+" years of service.

Awarded by the Senior Staff

The following Fleet-level decorations are awarded by the Fleet Operations Commander or Fleet Services Commander, in a permanent or acting capacity and upon recommendation by a Commanding Officer, in the name of Starfleet Command.

Kragite Order of Heroism IC

The Kragite Order of Heroism may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by heroism not justifying the award of the Starfleet Command Declaration for valour and Gallantry.

Gold Starfleet Cross IC

The Gold Starfleet Cross is awarded to any in-character member of Starfleet who has shown demonstrable leadership and initiative, and has performed all duties in an exemplary manner, setting an example for others to follow.

Expeditionary Campaign Medal SIM

Award used to recognize effort put into a fleet wide plot that is visible to and/or affects the entire fleet. The Expeditionary/Campaign Medal is given to a ship, or the members specifically involved in the event for the efforts they put into creating a well thought-out plot that enjoyably affected the TFE Group.

Starfleet Superior Unit Award SIM

Meant to provide a morale booster to crew, and to recognize their contribution to TFE by the crew as a whole. Awarded to a simulation upon the completion of goals set by the Starfleet Commander through superior performance.

Preantares Medal of Commendation OOC

The Preantares Medal of Commendation First Class may be awarded to any individual SIM member that has exhibited distinguished out-of-character service that has helped the TFE as a whole.

Starfleet Medal of Command OOC

The Medal of Command may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by in character co-coordinating and out of character organizing of any operation involving two or more simulations.

Silverton Award OOC

Two or more SIMs who are engaged in a joint plot may state their intentions to begin a competition for this award.  Between agreed starting and ending points, the log count of each SIM, excluding the COs, will be tallied, and the SIM which produces the most logs will win. Throughout this competition, the logs must maintain the high standards normally expected in TFE and be of reasonable length and quality.

Recruiters Ribbon OOC

Awarded to TFE Members that recruit three members to TFE, and have their name listed as point of origin on the Application from the new applicant. The new applicants have to graduate from the Academy and SIM for at least 4 active weeks on their SIM to be recognised and counted for this award.

Awarded by the Starfleet Commander

The following Command-level decorations are awarded by the Starfleet Commander, upon recommendation by a Commanding Officer, in the name of the President of Earth.

Legion of Merit IC

The Legion of Merit is Earth's highest achievement award and may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet who distinguishes himself or herself by meritorious non-combat achievement or service above and beyond the call of duty. Enlisted personnel who are awarded the Legion of Merit are authorized one automatic promotion if not already serving in the highest enlisted grade.

Honorary Legion of Merit IC

The Honorary Legion of Merit has the same criteria as the Legion of Merit, but is awarded by the Starfleet Commander to non-Starfleet personnel who are on temporary assignment to Starfleet, or who have allied themselves with Starfleet.

United Earth Declaration of Valour and Gallantry IC

The United Earth Declaration for valour and Gallantry is Earth's highest valour award and may be awarded to any in character service member of Starfleet distinguishing themselves by extraordinary valour and gallantry.

Captain Michael Thompson Memorial Award OOC

Awarded for outstanding contribution and achievement that reflects great credit on the values of Star Trek, TFE and role-play. Examples range from development of a plot that affects the organization, creation of a new simulation, bringing in new members, or development of a new culture that is worked out in such depth as to be easily usable by any other member of TFE. This award was formerly known and awarded as the Michael West Memorial Award, but was renamed after the OOC death of the player behind Captain Michael Thompson, CO of the NX-05 Yorktown, and is awarded to one member of TFE every three months.

Star Award for Excellence SIM

The Star Award is the single highest IC unit award available to TFE simulations, named after Rear Admiral Austin Star, the first commander of Starfleet: The First Era. The Star Award Recipient simulations have shown a commitment to excellence in all aspects of simming and can rest assured their SIM will hold a place of honor in the history of TFE history, knowing that their crew stands at the pinnacle of The First Era. Awarded bi-annually after consultations with Senior Staff.

Epsilon Eridani Campaign Ribbon SIM

Awarded to Starfleet Personnel who actively participated in the Epsilon Eridani Campaign (TFE Fleet Plot of 2153).

Mercy Campaign Ribbon SIM

Awarded to Starfleet Personnel who participated in the Mercy Campaign (TFE Fleet Plot, 2155)

Earth-Romulan War Campaign Ribbon SIM

Awarded to Starfleet Personnel who participated in the Earth-Romulan War, pre-armistice (TFE Fleet Plot, 2158-2159)

Earth Victory Campaign Ribbon SIM

Awarded to Starfleet Personnel who participated in the Earth-Romulan War, post-armistice (TFE Fleet Plot, 2160-2161)

TFE Flagsim SIM

The TFE Flagsim (Flagship SIM) award is awarded biannually to a single SIM that has proven it's dedication to TFE and themselves. The Flagsim is considered to be the best SIM TFE has to offer, and the recipients are considered some of the best players/writers/members of TFE. This is the highest TFE award, IC or OOC.

Awarded by the Academy Commandant

The following Academy-level decorations are awarded by the Acaedemy Commandant in the name of the Starfleet Commander. All awards are IC unless otherwise specified.

Purple Ribbon of Excellence ACAD

Awarded for successful completion of the Starfleet Academy Basic Sim Course theory examination, practical examination and actively simming on Jupiter Station.

Blue Ribbon of Excellence ACAD

(Basic Course) The Blue Ribbon of Excellence is awarded for completing the practical examination of the Basic SIM Course at Starfleet: The First Era Academy using the waiver policy.
(Advanced Course) The Blue Ribbon of Excellence is awarded for successfully completing an Advanced Course in a specialised field.

Academy Superior Performance Medal ACAD

(Basic Course) Awarded by the Academy Commandant in character for superior performance while attending the Starfleet Academy. Superior performance is measured by receiving 100% on the theory examination and excellence ratings on all practical exercises.
(Advanced Course) The Academy Superior Performance Medal is awarded for achieving and maintaining an exceptional standard during advanced course training.

Academy Command Ribbon w/ Silver Flare ACAD

The Academy Command Ribbon with Silver Solar Flare is awarded to those who have completed the Command Officers Training with Starfleet: The First Era Academy.

Academy Command Ribbon w/ Gold Flare ACAD

The Academy Command Ribbon with Gold Solar Flare is awarded to those Command Officers Training Graduates who have successfully commanded a simulation in a practical evaluation lasting no less than three weeks.

Awarded to an Academy Instructor for successful completion of a six-month active tenure at the Starfleet Academy.

Grey Howl Award ACAD

Awarded for successful completion of a six-month active tenure at the Starfleet Academy while serving in an Administrative capacity.

Awarded for major contributions to Starfleet Academy.

Blue Howl Award ACAD

Awarded to an Academy Instructor for successful completion of a six-month active tenure at the Starfleet Academy.